Title: Misfits
Author: Jen Calonita
Rating: 4/5 Stars
On Sale: October 1st
¨Fake it till you make it.¨ Devin may be a princess, but it isn´t the life path she´d choose for herself. If you ask her she´d rather use her ability to talk to creatures to aid in healing them. Unfortunately, Devin doesn´t get a say in what she wants to do and is sent to Royal Academy- because attendance at RA is mandatory for all young royals in the kingdom. From the moment Devin arrives at RA she feels as though something is off. The question is, is she right or is she just refusing to give RA the chance it deserves? Afterall, what can go wrong when the Fairy Godmother is the headmistress?
I´ve been excited to read this book ever since I finished reading Switched (book 4 in Jen Calonita´s Fairy Tale Reform School Series.) The minute I saw it listed on NetGalley I requested it and kept my fingers crossed and constantly checked my email with the hopes of being accepted to read it. Maybe some of that excitement is what led to some of my disappointment in the book. While I loved all of the characters and the story that was presented I felt like the story was over just as it was beginning despite the book being 256 pages long. However, I took all of this with a grain of salt because I know it is the first book in the new series and thus was a foundation for what is to come. If this series turns out to be anything comparable to The Fairy Tale Reform School Series the books will all be well worth the read. I am eager for the next book in this series to come out. Be forewarned the ending is a cliffhanger and will leave you hungry for more. **Note: You do not need to read or be familiar with the Fairy Tale Reform School Series in order to read this book, but I feel it would be more enjoyable if you do. You´ll have more to take away from the story.**
**Thanks to NetGalley I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.**
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Author: Jen Calonita
Rating: 4/5 Stars
On Sale: October 1st
¨Fake it till you make it.¨ Devin may be a princess, but it isn´t the life path she´d choose for herself. If you ask her she´d rather use her ability to talk to creatures to aid in healing them. Unfortunately, Devin doesn´t get a say in what she wants to do and is sent to Royal Academy- because attendance at RA is mandatory for all young royals in the kingdom. From the moment Devin arrives at RA she feels as though something is off. The question is, is she right or is she just refusing to give RA the chance it deserves? Afterall, what can go wrong when the Fairy Godmother is the headmistress?
I´ve been excited to read this book ever since I finished reading Switched (book 4 in Jen Calonita´s Fairy Tale Reform School Series.) The minute I saw it listed on NetGalley I requested it and kept my fingers crossed and constantly checked my email with the hopes of being accepted to read it. Maybe some of that excitement is what led to some of my disappointment in the book. While I loved all of the characters and the story that was presented I felt like the story was over just as it was beginning despite the book being 256 pages long. However, I took all of this with a grain of salt because I know it is the first book in the new series and thus was a foundation for what is to come. If this series turns out to be anything comparable to The Fairy Tale Reform School Series the books will all be well worth the read. I am eager for the next book in this series to come out. Be forewarned the ending is a cliffhanger and will leave you hungry for more. **Note: You do not need to read or be familiar with the Fairy Tale Reform School Series in order to read this book, but I feel it would be more enjoyable if you do. You´ll have more to take away from the story.**
**Thanks to NetGalley I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.**
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