Title: Batman: Preludes to the Wedding
Author: Tim Seeley
Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
On Sale: September 5th
This graphic novel is a collection of one-shots all with the common theme of Batman and Catwomanś wedding. There were times when I was genuinely confused by the story (Robin vs Raś al Ghul), but that could be my own fault for not keeping up with the storylines. But hello, who could pass up on the drama building up to a wedding?! On the other hand, there were other storylines I loved (Batgirl vs Riddler and Joker vs Harley). I enjoyed the art throughout the graphic novel and felt like it was fairly cohesive. While I wish there was more of a focus on Catwoman and Batman I would continue reading the storyline to see what happens at the wedding.
***I was provided an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
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Author: Tim Seeley
Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
On Sale: September 5th
This graphic novel is a collection of one-shots all with the common theme of Batman and Catwomanś wedding. There were times when I was genuinely confused by the story (Robin vs Raś al Ghul), but that could be my own fault for not keeping up with the storylines. But hello, who could pass up on the drama building up to a wedding?! On the other hand, there were other storylines I loved (Batgirl vs Riddler and Joker vs Harley). I enjoyed the art throughout the graphic novel and felt like it was fairly cohesive. While I wish there was more of a focus on Catwoman and Batman I would continue reading the storyline to see what happens at the wedding.
***I was provided an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
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