Title: Seafire
Author: Natalie C. Parker
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Buy on: August 28th
All of her life Caledonia has lived her life on the deadly seas. After losing her family, Caledonia becomes a captain of her own ship, Mors Navis. Not only is this ship unique because of its captain, but also because it is an all girl ship. Caledonia and her crew all share a common vision: to destroy the men who have brought nothing but sorrow and pain to their world, Aric and his fleet. The girls’ worlds are turned upside down after a nearly fatal accident which lends itself to a boy coming aboard. Could he have the answers necessary to take down Aric and his fleet, or is he looking to take down the girls of the Mors Navis?
I was hoping to like this book more than I did. To be honest I wasn’t sure if I was going to bother reading it, but I saw all the hype for the book and it had me curious. Overall, I enjoyed getting to know Caledonia and her crew throughout the story and often thought they were doomed at times. I found myself saying, “Oh no! Now what?” Or “How are they going to overcome this.” I found the ending to be lackluster and rushed. However, I am intrigued to see what the author does to continue the story in book 2 and will probably add the trilogy to my TBR list. **Note: while this book does feature an all girls crew only one relationship between the crew members is BRIEFLY hinted at.** **I was given an ARC of this book courtesy of Penguin Random House First to Read in exchange for an honest review.**
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