Title: Harley Quinn Breaking Glass
Author: Mariko Tamaki
Rating: 3/5 stars (due to the length of excerpt)
For Sale: June 4, 2019
I´ve always been obsessed with superheroes and comic books (thanks dad!) and with Harley Quinn being one of my favorites I knew this was a must read. (If my husband and I would have had a girl her name would have been Hailey Quinn. Instead, we have a dog named Loki and a son named Parker, yes named after Peter Parker.)
Thanks to NetGalley I received an early excerpt of this graphic novel. We are introduced to Harleen Quinzel who goes to live with her grandma- only her grandma has died so she is now living in an apartment with a drag queen who goes by Mama. We also get a chance to see how Harley- excuse me Harleen- becomes friends with Ivy, yes THE Ivy.
While the excerpt was only 28 pages long I am excited and eager to read the remaining novel when it is released next year.
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Author: Mariko Tamaki
Rating: 3/5 stars (due to the length of excerpt)
For Sale: June 4, 2019
I´ve always been obsessed with superheroes and comic books (thanks dad!) and with Harley Quinn being one of my favorites I knew this was a must read. (If my husband and I would have had a girl her name would have been Hailey Quinn. Instead, we have a dog named Loki and a son named Parker, yes named after Peter Parker.)
Thanks to NetGalley I received an early excerpt of this graphic novel. We are introduced to Harleen Quinzel who goes to live with her grandma- only her grandma has died so she is now living in an apartment with a drag queen who goes by Mama. We also get a chance to see how Harley- excuse me Harleen- becomes friends with Ivy, yes THE Ivy.
While the excerpt was only 28 pages long I am excited and eager to read the remaining novel when it is released next year.
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